
Visite CERATIZIT na EMO 2019 em Hannover

O Grupo CERATIZIT espera vê-lo na EMO Hannover de 16 a 21 de setembro. Você pode nos encontrar no Stand D68, Hall 4 e Stand B70, Hall 5.

Com 2.200 expositores de 44 países e mais de 180.000 m2 de espaço líquido para exposições, a EMO Hannover é a principal feira comercial do mundo para a indústria metalúrgica.

The CERATIZIT Group’s highlights on Stand D68, Hall 4

▲ Our expertise as a carbide producer, including an interactive animation of the manufacturing process from ore mining to the finished product
▲ Recycling of carbide to conserve resources
▲ Online configurator for the immediate, fully automated ordering of customised hob blanks
▲ Selected products from our range of blanks and semi-finished tools for tool manufacturers, including rods with and without coolant holes, blanks for hob cutters, preforms, etc.
▲ Cocktail bar for refreshment, including non-alcoholic drinks

Destaques do grupo CERATIZIT no setor de usinagem no estande B70, pavilhão 5

▲ Machining tools that are ready for use, such as the High Dynamic Turning technology, which has been awarded with several innovation prizes, and the FreeTurn Tools, including live demonstrations
▲ Industry 4.0 solutions like the ToolScope monitoring and assistance system
▲ Innovations for the automotive industry:

• The latest developments for series processing of complex stator bores for electric motor production
• The KOMET MicroKom KOMFlex spindle head for the precise processing of bearing seats and cylinder bores

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